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Member Where defined Description
state_type depth-first cursor The type of the states handles of the underlying DFA.
char_type depth-first cursor The type of the transitions letters.
tag_type depth-first cursor The type of the tags associated to states.
dfirst_cursor() depth-first cursor Construct a cursor with an empty stack useful as end-of-range iterator.
dfirst_cursor( const dfirst_cursor &c) depth-first cursor Copy constructor.
state_type src() const depth-first cursor Return the state handle the cursor is pointing to.
bool src_final() const depth-first cursor Return true if the pointed state is final.
char_type letter() const depth-first cursor Return the letter on the pointed transition.
bool aim() const depth-first cursor Return the handle of the aim state the cursor is pointing to.
bool aim_final() const depth-first cursor Return true if the aim state is final.
bool operator==( const dfirst_cursor &c) const depth-first cursor Return true iff both stacks are equal.
bool forward() depth-first cursor Increment the cursor making it point to the next transition in the sequence. Return true if the transition reached has been pushed onto the stack.
Tag src_tag() const depth-first cursor Return the tag associated to the source state.
Tag aim_tag() const depth-first cursor Return the tag associated to the aim state.

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Vincent Le Maout 2003-07-08